Space Theory uk
General Theories regarding space travel in our system

Sol Positioning System

This system will become necessary when there are a great deal of commercial spacecraft out of earth orbit. The present form of plotting navigation will be very likely unusable due to the need to reassign radio telescopes to communicate directly with any craft and use data that has been collated from mostly earth based data


  •     Base ring containing 6 node units in Mars approximate orbit

    •   These nodes would be large units capable of transmission to earth by nearest route also the 3 nearest outer nodes and an inner node.

    • Asteroids could be used but being unstable and not being a conform shape this may be ruled out although being constructed of asteroid material may be an option

  • Inner ring 3 minor nodes Venus plus orbit

    •     These nodes are reference points for main node position status

    •     Inner ring communication is by clockwise node contact with checksum on returning signal

    •     Contact with 3 nearest main nodes plus loose contact with nearest outer nodes

    •     Also visual point for asteroid tracking in inner solar system using outward facing censor. this being the inner part of three stage asteroid tracking

  •     Outer ring consists of 16 minor nodes on the outer edge of asteroid belt orbit

    • Communication by nearest 2 outer nodes clockwise node would continue sequence for complete loop plus 1 or 2 main node based on relative position

    •     positioning of system set by collated ring data

    • any other objects either planetary or asteroid or man made

    •     information sent to craft enquiring receives its present relative position plus the heading needed

    •     and set burn times and points of burn

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